

[DUMMY TEXT]Learning to become a good philosopher means to learn to be intellectually independent. And I believe that at the core this means to find a new relationship to concepts, thoughts and language. Taking a philosophy class should throw you into a semantic and logical crisis. While in other endeavors in life, it seems possible to maintain a rather natural relation to concepts, where words simply mean something, in philosophy we may question whether there really is such a thing as a natural relationship to words, what this would entail, and whether we are constructing reality by means of regarding concepts as natural. 

Why does philosophy involve such a deep interaction with concepts? As far as I know, that is just what philosophy is. Could there be another way of doing philosophy? By way of touching objects and creating art? Well, in order to understand whether it is possible for this to be philosophy, I can't help but define what philosophy is and see whether it is possible for sculptors to be considered as philosophers. We find appropriate concepts, to determine the relationship between things like art and philosophy. In a way, we're trapped. In another, we're free. No one nature of concepts can preclude our thinking to be free, imaginative and expansive.